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Which of my books you are more interested to read ?
: The Good Quality Managers Guideline (Translated)
: Customer Loyalty: Concepts and Models
: Principles and Techniques of Lean Six Sigma
: Principles of Handling Conferences and Workshops
: Innovation Management
: The Application of Data Mining in Marketing
: Energy Management
: Total Quality Management
: Six Sigma

9/8/2024 Sunday  


Job background   

1- Director of quality control department at Carbin Electronics Co. (Supplier of electronic car parts), 1994-1997.

2- General Director of Amin Cara Engineering Consulting Co. (Isfahan Business record number: 13153), 1997-2000.

4- Senior lecturer at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2003.

3- Head of the Department of Industrial Management Postgraduate Studies, IAUN, 2005.

5- Senior lecturer at the Industrial Management Institute, Isfahan branch, 2003-2009.

6- Senior lecturer at the Department of Management, Sheikh Bahaei University, 2004.

7- Founder and director of the Quality Management Research Group at University of Isfahan, 2007-2010.

8- Director of International Scientific Cooperation Office, University of Isfahan, 2007-2014.

9- Full time assistant professor at the Department of Management, University of Isfahan, 2003-2010.

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